EVN – Waste on rails for 20 years

EVN has been pursuing a sustainable approach to the transport of municipal waste for two decades – and the environment benefits.

EVN is a leading international energy and environmental services company based in Lower Austria. Together with ÖBB Rail Cargo Group (RCG), EVN has been transporting municipal waste to Dürnrohr for thermal utilisation on behalf of its partner BAWU, the Lower Austrian Waste Association, for 20 years – making it a pioneer in sustainability and climate protection.

An impressive record

In 2022 alone, 19,040 containers were filled at the eleven transfer stations and transported to the plant in Dürnrohr in 6,347 wagons. Since 2004, 3.26 million tonnes of residual and bulky waste have been transported by rail for environmentally friendly thermal recycling – an impressive saving of around 30.99 million truck kilometres and 31.6 million kilograms of CO2. The energy generated is used to supply electricity to hundreds of thousands of households every year.

New transports with new equipment

In order to build on the success of the past 20 years, the foundations are being laid with a new, innovative version of the ACTS truck. The first prototype was delivered earlier this year and is currently being tested by EVN. The prospects are certainly promising – and many customers in the waste management industry stand to benefit.
